
Jana is an initiative dedicated to empowering widows and orphans to overcome the barriers of poverty in war-torn countries (currently our focus is on Iraq and Jordan). We provide several programs that are sustainable in the long term, including job training, education, fundraising, and an awareness campaign. Our on-the-ground relationships with the communities we serve enable us to ensure that funding gets into the hands of those who need it most.


In the areas we serve, asking an orphan about their day can be enough to make them cry because of the traumas they have witnessed. We are working with women and children in conflict-riddled nations who have seen a family member kidnapped or killed by militants. These children have experienced tragedies no child should ever have to experience. As part of our mission, it is not enough to simply put food on the table, but we also want to put a smile on a child’s face by the end of the day.


What truly makes our program shine is our capacity to use technology to overcome the limitations of geography. We will use video chat software to connect sponsors directly with the orphans they fund. We strongly believe in emotional sponsorship in addition to financial sponsorship. After years of tears, it is time to spread some hope with smiles and laughter.