Bring an Orphan Joy - Sponsor an Orphan Today

Millions of children around the globe have been displaced and orphaned by war in the last decade. They have experienced traumas no child should ever have to experience. And now they suffer the long-term health effects of psychological trauma, made worse by the day-to-day threats of homelessness, starvation, thirst, economic exploitation, and violence.

We are currently sponsoring 36 orphans, but another 600 are in dire need of support.

Our focus is Iraq this year, but we also plan to bring aid to other countries. The number of orphans who need our support is rapidly growing.

For $50 a month (or $600 a year), you can help a hungry child put food on the table.

Also check out our other campaigns for further ways to help.


Contact us to change a child’s life today.

Phone Number: +964 782 120 5509