Our Education Campaign in Jordan

In our Education Campaign in Jordan, we have witnessed firsthand the struggle of refugee families to afford an education for their children. It’s a heavy cost for people who have often left behind almost everything they own fleeing from violence. Parents frequently must make a bitter choice between putting food on the table or funding their child’s future. Many students drop out of school and wait for resettlement. Years pass and there is no resettlement or any other opportunities forthcoming. Without an education, refugee children are at increased risk of being coerced into child labor, child marriage, sexual violence, being trapped in poverty, or being recruited by extremist armed groups.

Currently, we are paying for the education of 762 refugee children in Jordan. Our campaign has existed there for three years. The average tuition fee we have paid per student is around $45. This does not include book fees. Yet as this message is being written, there are about 25 students about to be kicked out of school. And several more who can’t afford school at all.

Help give a child hope. If you are interested in funding a child’s future, please contact us today.


Phone Number: +964 782 120 5509

Email: Info@janaproject.org